Athens: New ChapterIt took around 19 hours to fly from Jakarta to Athens. Little Jason fell asleep as soon as the plane departed. He was exhausted from…Feb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022
Project Ninja 250 KarbuKamis minggu lalu, bengkel milik Jason, Grid Core Auto Fashion mendapat request untuk memodifikasi Kawasaki Ninja 250 karburator milik…Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
First TimeEveryone experiences the so-called first time. The first time they breathe, cry, eat, walk, talk, go to school, ride a bike, drive a car…Jun 16, 2021Jun 16, 2021
The ‘New’ BabyPlease welcome Jason’s new baby. Well, it’s not literally new. Jason bought the motorcycle in 2017, yet he just modified it weeks before…Jun 12, 2021Jun 12, 2021
Zexir, The Ninja ZX25RThe name is Zexir. He named her out of her type which is Kawasaki Ninja ZX25R. At a glance or for those who care not about a motorcycle…Jun 12, 2021Jun 12, 2021
DumplingsDara mengecup pelan pipi Jason sebelum bangun dari tidurnya dan duduk di atas kasur. Kembali menaikkan tali piyama miliknya dan mengikat…Jun 7, 2021Jun 7, 2021
First Dinner DateSelesai membersihkan dan membilas diri, Jason terlihat lebih segar. Senyum terus tersungging di bibir. Ia naiki motornya, mengirimkan pesan…Jun 7, 2021Jun 7, 2021
Packing“Mas.” Ucapnya singkat saat Jason kembali lontar umpatan. Digigitnya pelan leher Jason, beri tanda kemerahan. Sedangkan remasannya di penis…Jun 7, 2021Jun 7, 2021